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SoundLincs Resource Centre

Our FREE essential music resources

SoundLincs has a long history of measuring, evaluating, and reviewing the social impact of music making. Working alongside our partners we have produced a range of toolkits and reports which investigate the effects of musical intervention, collate our findings and provide practical guidance based on our cumulative research.


Studying the value of music as a resource and intervention for Children’s Services Practitioners in Lincolnshire.

Fusion Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, SEND

Project Y Nott

A project showing the purpose, value and contribution of music sessions that were provided for Children in Challenging Circumstances.

Project Y Nott Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, Youth Offending

Good Vibrations

A music toolkit for adults working with deaf and hearing-impaired children and young people

Good Vibrations Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, Hearing Impaired, Music Resource

Groove & Grow

Using musical activities to support the social interactions of young parents in challenging circumstances and their babies/toddlers.

Groove & Grow Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, Music Resource, Early Years Music

Early Ears

A practical and fun resource full of ideas for music-making activities with children aged 0 - 5.

Early Ears Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, Music Resource, Early Years Music

SEND Toolkit

Music making and singing approaches for whole class teaching and group work in Special Educational Needs and Disability schools.

SEND Toolkit Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Music Toolkit, Academic Study, Music Report, Music Resource, SEND

St Clements Organ

A sample pack, for music producers, recorded on the refurbished church organ during the Future of the Past project in Grainsthorpe. 

Grainsthorpe Front Cover, SoundLincs Resource, Sample Pack, Church Organ, Music Production, St Clements

SoundLincs, SoundHouse,

18 St Martins Lane, Lincoln, LN2 1HY

01522 510073

Soundlincs Logo, Music Charity, Lincolnshire Music

Registered Charity: 1086483

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  • SoundLincs Soundcloud
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